A Juxtaposition of Self

In the world we live in today, people surround themselves with positivity to validate who they are as people (and I am no exception.)

One such example is body positivity, the celebration of self.


Fundamentally, it’s a form of self-acceptance. Often times, however, it’s mislabeled as self-love.

This, to me, is a distinction that is quite particular.

To me, self love is not allowing myself to be just adequate. In the way that an ideal love brings out the best in others; self love should bring out the best in oneself.  

Though this isn’t to say that I don’t accept myself as I am. Just that I value progress

Without belittling who I am at present, I aspire to evolve with every iteration of self.

What I mean is, self love is about growth, and growth isn’t always a positive thing. As Alexis Carrel once said, “Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”

There have been a plethora of moments that have required me to sacrifice things in the short term (usually sleep) for long term benefit (usually marks) just this year.

But the roots go deeper than just what is quantifiable. Improvement of self is in all facets of who I am. Character, academics, leadership, athletics, health – in all the things that I consider pillars of my life.

Every word I read today should be a word I can define tomorrow.

Every ball I drop today should be a ball I catch tomorrow.

Every misdeed I do today will be repaid by ten good deeds tomorrow.


Every mistake made today is an opportunity for growth tomorrow.


Though it can be said, that my philosophies are all just a way to find and surround myself with positivity, and that would be correct. (I am no exception.)


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2 thoughts on “A Juxtaposition of Self

  1. Dear Murtaza,

    First of all, I just wanted to say that this was an amazing piece of writing. You connected things that normally happen to an individual in an average life, and brought such an amazing meaning to it, I cant even properly explain it.

    Also, you connected to school, which we all can connect to. You said that sometimes sacrificing things in the short term can lead to something better that can happen in the long term. I have a really good connection to this. Whenever I wake up a little earlier in the morning to do a little bit of review before a test or to complete homework, it helps me become a better person, even though I want to just sleep. Another thing I really liked was how after almost every sentence, you started a new line. It gave me time to think and reflect, and I thank you for that.

    This piece was written very well, and resonated with me, I wish there was more written because i was intrigued the whole way.

    i cant wait to work with you this semester. I feel like you can help me become a better writer, and although i’m not very good at writing, ill try my best to help you.

    Best Regards,


  2. Murtaza,

    The way that you tied your ideas together in this piece is done very well, you discussed a general idea, linked it to yourself, then to your environment, and ending off back at yourself and your general idea.

    I admire your diction as well as your spacing between ideas, it really added emphasis where it was needed.

    The idea itself that you explored and the relation to your life is written in a manner where all I can say is, keep doing what you’re doing.

    I do hope that perhaps you use this as a muse for your future work because I wish there was more. I look forward to ideas and the conversations we share this semester.


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