Two Sons: The Virtuous, and The Other One

The inspiration for the following came from one word in particular that was discussed in class: “Introspection.” I consider myself a growth-oriented individual, and this is an ode to one of the contributing factors of that mindset. It references both the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Seven Heavenly Virtues to develop a dichotomy between who I was, and who I work towards becoming. Each Sin is only touched on briefly, because it was difficult to expand on how it was exemplified in my previous character while maintaining impartiality- I would almost subconsciously give justification for my actions. 


I don’t think either of us have ever said “I love you”.


However we’ve said its counterpart plenty.

Wrath.  “I hate you” rolled off the tongue so easily among all those expletives. I was too young, and you were too kindhearted. Our only teachers were the generation above us: two brothers, between them a feud that had lasted four of our lifetimes. We didn’t know any better.

Sloth.  Both of us were lazy, and chose the convenience of getting upset over trying to understand one another. Always assuming the worst in you, I developed a predisposition to spite.

Envy. You were older, better behaved, always the kindest, and loved by everyone. Being better than you in all those ways was an insurmountable task, so, instead my efforts went into undermining you.

Gluttony. Depriving you for my own insatiable interests. There were things I wanted from you, not for myself, but just so that you wouldn’t have them.

Lust. My most sinful indulgence was wallowing in your discomfort. But you could always find something to be happy about, and that perpetually upset me.

Pride. “Apologizing made you weak.” I’d always wait for you to apologize first. Even when I was the only one in the wrong.

Greed. Sharing was a one way street for me. What’s yours was mine, and what was mine was mine alone. You were too generous, and I was too selfish. I took advantage of that.


No matter how deep I let myself sink into my vices, you always remained the same. Happy, virtuous, and compassionate. You might have sometimes been the first to get angry, but you were always the first to show concern.

I’m not proud of who I used to be, and I can’t let you be proud of me while remnants of that remain. This is a testimony of changes in progress..


Patience. Approach things with a level-head. Consider both sides to every story. You would never do something will ill intent. I know better.

Diligence. Not only working to solve problems, but putting effort into preventing them from arising. Doing my best to understand you, and always looking forward to the big things you’ll do.

Kindness. You don’t have to water the seeds of your future alone. Investing my own time and effort into your growth, rather than hindering it.

Abstinence. Putting my own interests and indulgences aside for your well-being.

Chastity. To be honest with my feelings, and bask in the light of your successes. I’ve always wanted to be happy beside you.

Humility. There is an opportunity for growth in every apology. Growth is what makes us stronger- not arbitrarily set competitions of ego.

Charity. Give without expecting anything in return. You’ve done enough for me already.


As your younger brother, I’ve taken it upon myself to become someone you can be proud of, and I’m happy to say I’m almost there. I must thank you again, for your patience.


I don’t think I say this enough, but I love you.



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2 thoughts on “Two Sons: The Virtuous, and The Other One

  1. Dear Murtaza,

    Let me start off by saying thank you. Thank you for sharing something so deep with all of us for that was beautiful. Admitting the truth and truly seeing yourself, is a sort of rare commodity that not many possess. I love how you started off each sentence with just one word. By changing the word from something negative to something positive truly showed the shift you had; this blog was like a journey and the readers not only are with you but they support you. Being such a relatable blog, the one line that really got to me was “I’m not proud of who I used to be, and I can’t let you be proud of me while remnants of that remain. ” Such a sentence that is simply you. I have always known you as someone who wanted to strive to be better but I feel like I understand you so much better with this blog post for it is almost story-like, starting off with your uncle and father’s feud. And not to forgot that the full circle you have come to, to start and end off with an I love you has honest to God made me realize the importance of cherishing and appreciating my brother. It has made me ask questions such as, why do we show anger and resent towards the person who will always be there for us? It’s hard for me to find something to work on for this because it’s all a stylistic choice, but I think flow would be the biggest thing. Amazing post Murtaza, thank you for sharing a part of you!


    Suneet Sidhu

  2. Dear Murtaza,

    Upon reading this the first time I immediately shared it with my father. This piece not only encapsulates your thoughts and feelings, but the entirety of a brothers bond. The structure is very creative and unique and the allusion to the seven deadly sins was genius. I also enjoyed the fact that you shared a side of you with the class that I have known for years. A line that really stood out to me was “Humility. There is an opportunity for growth in every apology. Growth is what makes us stronger- not arbitrarily set competitions of ego.” I believe that what you wrote was something that is universal and everyone can relate to. My one question to you would be- have you shared this with him, he would love it? The piece entirely is magnificent and I do not see any room for improvement. Having a younger brother myself it really showed the perspective of a younger brother and his thoughts of his older brother. I think that the strongest element of this piece is that you started off with something of negative connotation and ended with a positive light. The awakening you presented was not only emotional and touching, but well written too. Thank you for pouring your heart out into this piece <3.

    Your brother Kahrun

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