Random Truths


Let no one judge you. Let no one who has breath condemn you for who you are. Let no one who has red blood control your being.

They’re not you. That is true.

For you were created with a talent, with a blessing, with a purpose. And though you may have constant thoughts to leave your purpose on this earth and be over with the suffering from this evil world, you were created to inspire, to build, to change, to evolve. Even if you are fighting with the spirits of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or hate, there are still the soulful fruits in your heart that are keeping you alive, waiting for you to build your empire.

Reality Check. Reason with your heart, not what everyone wants you to conform to.

Why is it that we need confirmation from others when we all mess up? Why does one sane human have power over another sane human? Why do ridiculous leaders have power over enriched citizens? That’s where we have to stop and think. Some people would go on a killing spree if rules weren’t set in place. However, some people do not know the limits to these rules: mindlessly creating massacres in the name of “justice”.

Unless it kills your spirit, don’t be afraid. Ultimately, you should fear nothing.

Many of us are scared of death because we aren’t sure what comes next. Others are scared because they have earthly possessions they could not imagine leaving behind. I haven’t experienced death but I am not afraid. This mainly comes from my faith but also because I’ve learned to not be attached to anything or anyone so that I would not have that fear. “But Dorlie, what about your family and friends?” Of course I have them in mind but all in all, life will go on without me. Maybe the only thing I would be able to do is watch over them.

Talk for it makes you strong. Tongues are dangerous, though.

When in danger, speak. Speaking can lead to danger, too. Ladies, if you feel like you are being pestered by a man, you have the right to say NO. Gentlemen, you have the right to tell a woman to STOP if she brings you discomfort. These are the appropriate times to speak. Do not speak if the most belligerent human is blathering non-sense because they want your reaction to correspond to theirs. You are in danger if you speak when the core reason for the argument is downgrading someone. Be mindful of the ones you are talking to.

Hearing is good but listening is key. Have the ears of a spy.

Reacting to sound is completely normal for those who have ears but listening somehow is only a blessing for the wise. Those who hear don’t want your presence. They think they are doing you a favor but in reality, they are waiting for you to finish your point so that they can trample on your ideas and focus the attention on themselves. Separate yourself from the “hearers”. Go find yourself a listener. Go find yourself a Pamela Hunnisett. The listeners will listen and understand until you are done. Once you are done, they empower you. You will feel like a champion.

TRUTH: If you KNOW it’s bad for you, you have the right to back away and save yourself. No matter a what your situation may be like at this current moment, your voice was given to you for a reason. Go find your purpose.

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2 thoughts on “Random Truths

  1. Dear Dorlie,
    I love this piece. It’s so well written and just so you. I could practically hear your voice in my head while I was reading this. I also just adore the message of this piece, as it resounds within my own life. This was just so wonderful to read.

    My only suggestion is to fix your formatting at the beginning of the piece as I was lost for a moment trying to find the beginning of it. Other then that I can’t really find anything else for you to fix.

    I look forward to your future work!

    1. Dear Amy,

      Thank you for catching my error! I guess the formatting is different on my tablet. Thank you for your feedback, it really means a lot!

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